I found an interesting translation while reading through Isaiah 34 this morning:
“And the palaces of Edom break out into thorns, nettles and thistles in its castles; and it becomes the abode of wild dogs, pasture for ostriches. And martens meet with jackals, and a wood-devil runs upon its fellow; yea, Liiliith dwells there, and finds rest for itself. There the arrow-snake makes its nest, and breeds and lays eggs, and broods in the shadow there; yea, there vultures gather together one to another.(34:13-15; K&D)”
In the Webster and KJV translations, the wood-devil is translated "satyr."
After the sword of the Lord destroys His enemies, Edom (representing the world) will be a habitation for wild animals and strange creatures, including Liiliith (Lilith, George Macdonald). Liiliith represents evil spirits, and she has now found a home in the place where Edom (the world) once inaugurated its kings and leaders.
"Lı̄lı̄th (Syr. and Zab. lelitho), lit., the creature of the night, was a female demon (shēdâh) of the popular mythology; according to the legends, it was a malicious fairy that was especially hurtful to children, like some of the fairies of our own fairy tales" (K&D).