Thursday, September 25, 2008

Freedom in Ministry

It's a blessing when you feel the freedom to serve the Lord wholeheartedly. We have had a situation at our local church where one person significantly stifled the creativity and freedom that we have in Christ to serve Him. That one person insisted that he had the only vision for the church, that he was the only mouth-piece for the church, that all ideas had to go through him. Everything that didn't fit his agenda/vision was effectively squashed. If you questioned his right to rule then you were silenced. There had been an atmosphere of fear, wondering if you were going to be the next one out the door.

With that person gone, we are feeling a freedom to worship and serve the Lord in spirit and in truth.

Last night, we had 26 children show up at AWANA. I thought it possible that we would have five to ten show up because of the difficulty that we had trying to contact the children. I couldn't contact the majority of our club because their phones had been "disconnected or were no longer in service". Still, through prayer, the Lord brought 26 children and more than enough leaders and listeners to articulate the gospel message. I spent a portion of last night and this morning praising the Lord in my heart because the work of ministry is His. Yes, He works through us, but He gets the glory because it clearly is His ministry.

Wednesday, September 24, 2008

The Big Lie

How do you know when a government official is lying? When he/she opens their mouth.

This "crap" they are giving us about rescuing the economy is nothing but a big lie. It is another way for them to continue their policy of turning the US into a socialist country. They use the big lie method of putting fear into the sheep and then promise to take care of the poor sheep by fleecing them for their own good.

They continue to create the crisis, then they tell us how bad it is, then they take over more and more of the economy to protect us. Don't you recognize their methodology. They supported Suddam Hussein until the day before George H. Bush invaded. All of his (real) evil made no difference to the new world order folks until they wanted to put fear in the sheep. Same thing is happened with the economy. They tell the sheep that they can spend their way to prosperity, lowering the interest rates at the Fed so that more will join in the festivities. Then, when they have their crisis, they come in for the rescue, removing more and more of our freedoms.

Open your eyes!

Sunday, September 21, 2008

Danger: Economic Disaster Ahead

George Bush has asked Congress for a $700 billion bailout of the financial industry. The g'ment will also have to pony up $100 to $200 billion to shore up Fannie Mae and Freddie Mac. The last time I looked the g'ment was almost double figures in Trillion Dollar Debt. Where is the money coming from?

We might have avoided ruin when Y2K didn't materialize; but, now the government is attempting to put us way over the edge. Hello Socialism, goodbye Capitalism and goodbye Freedoms. You heard it here...