Friday, May 16, 2008


I have been driven from my blogging lethargy by two articles from the International Herald Tribune ( These two articles were right on top of each other. Their titles were as follows:

Food Crisis Meets Chaos in Horn of Africa
Saudis Rebuff Bush's Request for More Oil Production

While human beings in parts of Africa are starving to death Bush is visiting King Abdullah's ranch to ask him to increase Saudi oil production. People around the world are starving to death and Bush wants to drop our gasoline prices a few cents so that we can continue to "stimulate" the economy by spending more than we earn. People fearful of the future have a tendency to save a bit rather than spend all of their income. Instead of dropping bombs all around the world, why don't we drop a little food on starving people? Oh, I remember, you have to have war in order to continually gear up the war economy machinery! For the month of May, the total value of the 124 reported contracts awarded by the US Department of Defense stands at $5,598,552,730. War makes a good bit more income for politicians and their buddies than does peace.

I can't do the topic justice in one short blog; however, I believe that I prefer to feed starving people than bomb them into starvation.

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