Thursday, July 1, 2010

Before heading out to see the dentist this morning, I wanted to make a comment on the encouragement of having a prayer list. A list that you can add to and highlight the answered prayers. I know that I need encouragement (more than I think) and the prayer list reminds me that God answers prayer.

I have a numbered list, with bullets, of prayer requests for individual families inside (and outside) our fellowship. Whenever God answers a specific request I "color" and "bold" the answer so that the answers jump out when I open the prayer document.

One of the things that I have been encouraged to do as a result of the list is to be more specific in my prayers for individuals. For example, instead of just asking for repentance for a brother, I am specifically asking the Lord to bring him back to our fellowship. Repentance is tops, but I also really would like to have him back with us.

Also, as I have prayed for us, God has answered prayers in ways that I didn't ask. Certainly, in ways that are better than my specific requests.

Got to go get a "bad" tooth looked at this morning. I hope, err pray that Wes can take care of it ASAP.

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