Friday, February 4, 2011

Prayer for the Body of Christ

We are a small fellowship--a bit over 20 people (some Sundays) including children. If you think about it, that is plenty of people to consistently pray over! I know, I know...there are systematic ways to "pray" for people in larger bodies; however, you probably are often praying for strangers and faces, rather than people you know and/or care for.

If you are a leader in a Body then it's your responsibility to pray and watch over those in the flock. (The head of the flock, is Jesus, not you or anyone else.) I have a hard enough time consistently praying over 20 people that I know and care about (not including specific children in our AWANA ministry) much alone praying for strangers. I do pray for a few people that I have "met" over the Internet and for friends who are elsewhere.

My specific help is a prayer document that I can access on my computer when I do my quiet time. I have everyone listed with their specific requests so that I can come back and put in answers/partial answers to those prayers. Having a list also enables me to generally pray for them and (hopefully) listen to what the Holy Spirit wants me to pray for them.

I firmly believe that God answers prayer. I also firmly believe that He is sovereign in His decisions how and when to answer prayers. I also believe that He has a better grasp on things than do I.

Prayer, it's what's for breakfast!

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