Sunday, March 15, 2009

I have to make a confession

Ok, ok ok...I know that I shouldn't have done it...but!!!the temptation was way too great. Please don't quote the "No temptation" verse to me-->I have it memorized. Yes, I gave into temptation and planted my tomatoes and peppers today...BUT, I didn't plant any summer squash....Do I still maintain partial righteousness?

I know it's time to plant garlic and onions when the ones I missed last Fall start to grow in late January. My neighbors, on-the-other-hand, know that it's three weeks off to planting tomatoes when I get mine in the ground.

I have been gardening for about 26 years and still get the itch every Spring to get those tomatoes out early. Up in Denver we had these plastic tomato "walls" you could fill with water and place around your plants. It could snow and your tomatoes would survive. Of course, tomatoes won't start growing rapidly until the ground is around a certain temperature.

Found a lot of things in the garden this afternoon-->I found some round squiqly things that looked like worms and burrowed into the earth when I turned the soil over. I think that we should call them earthworms. I found a few (more) grub worms (which are June bug larvae). I also found one "hidden" fire-ant bed, with only one subsequent bite. Also found quite a few pill bugs (sow bugs).

Please remember that real gardeners shouldn't plant their tomatoes and peppers until after Easter (we ALWAYS seem to get an Easter freeze).

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