Wednesday, January 14, 2009

Looking Forward to the Kingdom

I am looking forward to the Kingdom. No more of the junk that we have to put up with right now. I missed one of my good friends (Stan) coming through town today because I was sick. I mean, really sick. I got some bug and was up until 5:30 this morning doing one of those things I won't miss in the Kingdom. I made three trips up to school to introduce classes to students and slept in between each course and solidly after I was finished for the day. Now I have a splitting headache. Not as bad as some people get, but another thing I won't miss in the future.

Heard from friends that we knew in Denver, John and Cheri, the other day. Hadn't really communicated with them in about twelve years. That's another thing that I'm looking forward to--reunion with old friends.

Our small local Body is having a reunion of old members in a couple of Sundays. You know, in the world we will have tribulation, but be of good cheer, for Christ has over come the world. We hope to have more people attending than we have current members. It will be a time of dedicating ourselves to healing and service to the Lord. I don't think things will be this "messy" in the Kingdom.

Pray that you too are looking forward to the Kingdom.

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