Saturday, February 7, 2009


You know, we really don't have hindsight. Yes, we can say, "I would have done thus and such had I the knowledge that I have today!" That, however, does little to fix the current situation.

We were in a situation in which many have now had hindsight. Let me tell you, if I knew then what I know today, I never would have gotten into that mess at all--would have steered clear of it like the plague. You know, though, something else would have cropped up--that seems to be the human condition. What do we do when that "something" else crops up? Do we wait for that new batch of hindsight to brew up? No!

He has show thee, o man, what is good and what the Lord requires of thee: But to do justly, and to love mercy, and to walk humbly with your God (Micah 6:8).

If you find someone who is not doing the above, you don't need hindsight, you need with it, and if you can't, then get out of it.

My measure of hindsight is full of foresight when I see someone still wanting to lord it over others, someone who continues to scheme and whisper behind people's backs (They need prayer so let's talk about them!), someone who can't walk around town without seeing people they have offended...

Hindsight NOT needed...Just proceed with caution.

(Read 3 John for an example of someone to avoid like the plague)

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